3rd Trimester

Technical question

I've been trying to update my siggy/add a ticker...  I keep getting an error message amped am now wondering if this is because I'm using an iPad rather than a computer...  I looked around on the website and couldn't fid tech support or anything.  I'm usually pretty tech savvy, but apparently not right now :)


Natural m/c Oct. 2005
Dx: balanced translocation and LPD
TTC since Oct 2011
BPF 02/19/12 ----> EDD 10/31/12 ----> natural m/c 02/28/12 (4w6d)
And we're on to IVF, BCPs starting 10/17, stims 11/7: Lupron, Gonal F ---> too high estrogen, coasted for a few days then added 2 doses of Ganirelix; lots of measurable follies; 9R, 5M, 4F, 1 passed PGD, 1 3B blast transferred 11/23; PIO til ET, then PIO and Endometrin BID; +HPT 12/2 (9dp5dt), Beta #1 12/3 297, Beta #2 12/5 739/progesterone 69, Beta #3 12/12 ___

All welcome
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