Special Needs

TTM about sensory processing issues

Hi guys, I've lurked a bit here and there and I know my son has always been quirky, I never thought too much about it.  I'm also 'quirky' and difficult and have a hard time with textures while eating, tags, anything bothering me in any way, with how my sheets are in bed, etc.

Are sensory processing disorders genetic? or is it likely a learned behavior?  Or is it a coincidence that my son and I are both similar in so many ways?

DS hates anything done to his hair (ever).  Washing it, brushing it, touching it, etc.  Hair cuts are a special kind of hell, too.  He hated baths for the past 8 months or so, but thankfully the last bath he had, he was actually almost willing to get in it (and it was OKAY, until I started having to pour water on him, and wash his hair).  
  He also *needs* to have clothes on all the time, if I take his pants off cause they are messy or something, he'll scream for his pants even though he has a diaper on and a t-shirt still.  Because we know this about him, we almost always have extras on hand.  Last week, I didn't have extras and we were out, so I put him in his car seat and gave him a blanket to cover his legs with if he wanted (but omg was so hot!), but he just kept screaming. 
When we started to transition from long pants to shorts a few weeks ago, he started to pull his shorts down, trying to pull them to be pants kind of (if that makes sense).  He got over the pants to shorts thing pretty easily, but I did notice that he was put off by it at first.  

Are there other signs that I should be looking out for that this is a SPD?  Are there other things that this could be that may need intervention?  

ETA: does anyone have any advice about potty training a kid who doesn't like to take his pants of anywhere except the changing table?  He also doesn't like bathrooms (public or private) particularly.  
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