Cleveland Babies

Are you looking to lose that baby weight?

Hello all! I recently moved back to the cleveland area from washington dc. I'm a personal trainer certified through ACSM and also have a degree in Exercise Science. I have a 1 year old son & made a career switch to focus on in home training once my son was born. I'm looking to pick up new clients in the area. If anyone is interested in finding a trainer that can come to their home let me know!

Background...I've worked in various fitness facilities and more recently was the head exercise specialist for a bariatric surgical group helping bariatric patients lose weight.  

I can help you lose those last "baby weight" pounds, maintain your current routine, and help add in some new/fresh ideas. I work in 1 hour sessions, leaving 5 min at the end for stretching and nutrition counseling. If your interested in learning more email me @ 

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