High-Risk Pregnancy

Cramping/Pain-On Progesterone Supps

Hi Ladies,

I was put on progesterone suppositories due to cervical shortening a week and a half ago. The last few days I have been experiencing a lot of cramping and a feeling of fullness in my uterus. (Moreso than usual with the twins I'm carrying!) I'll call my doctor on Monday but wasn't sure if this could be more cervical shortening or could just be a side effect of the progesterone. I've also been on modified bedrest since I started the progesterone, my cervix was 3.1cm at my last check and I had no funneling or dilation, no contractions! For mobile bumpies, I'll be 18 weeks Monday.



TTC #1 since 01/2011 Me: MTHFR C677t homozygous (on lovenox) DH: MFI (poor morph, counts, motility) Natural BFP #1: 05/2011, M/C @ 5 weeks RE consult 12/2011 01/2012 IUI cancelled d/t low sperm counts DH: 3 months clomid 02/2012-05/2012 NO improvement in SA 05/2012: IUI #1 with only 2 million post-wash...BFN 06/2012: IUI #2 100mg/50mg Clomid for me, 2 Follies, B2B IUI 6 mil/4mil post-wash...BFN 07/2012: IUI #3 150/100mg Clomid for me, 2 Follies, B2B IUI...BFN 02/2013: IVF#1 23follies/19mature/9fert with ICSI/2 A grade embies trans day5/4 B grade embies frozen. First beta 10dp5dt 2/26=529! 2nd Beta 12dp5dt 2/28=1253 :) Praying for healthy and happy baby (or babies!) PAIF/SAIF welcome! IAmPregnant Ticker
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