3rd Trimester

35 weeks--anyone else feeling these symptoms?

This is my 2nd pg but Mommy Brain keeps me from remembering a lot about my 1st pg!  LOL.  For the past few days, I have had intense pressure on my bladder.  I mean I could literally go pee all the time.  Sometimes the pressure is mildly painful or uncomfortable.  I feel like this baby could just fall out at any time!   I'm certain he's dropped.  I will be having a c-section, as I had with my first, and the c/s is scheduled for June 25--I'll be a little over 39 weeks. I'm wondering if I will make it that long!  I'm having random BH contractions, much more frequent than I ever had with DD, but maybe I didn't know I was having them with her. 

Also, probably TMI, but I've noticed my pee and discharge has smelled really strange the last few days.  There for a while, it even smelled kind of...fishy?  So odd. Anyone else have this issue? 

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