Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Postpartum Anxiety?

First I want to start off by thanking all of you guys for being so helpful and supportive.  I come to this board daily and consider you all a great support system.

 I know there's such thing as postpartum depression which I don't believe I have, but I have noticed an increase in anxiety since my daughter's arrival.  The anxiety exists more around the fact that I feel like I can never get much of anything done and I am super OCD and used to everything in my home being perfect and running efficiently.  I also run a business which I haven't physically worked at (took leave for a few months), but since the day I gave birth, have been emailing and managing which is another source of stress and "something to do."  I regret the fact that I never really had a full break from everything but at the same time feel lucky that I am only going back two days per week and have hired someone else as I am my own boss. 

 I also have an overwhelming sense of anxiety that whenever we go anywhere it's such a major production.  I feel sad that I can't just get up and go like I used to, and don't get me wrong, I love my daughter to death, it's just a really hard transition after being 100 percent independent.

 To add, my daughter's been giving me a lot of trouble nursing lately, being more aggressive and fighting me which has also contributed to this increased sense of anxiety.  I feel like it's making her anxious and me anxious that I sometimes feel helpless as she's screaming.  I am seeing a lactation consultant next week as I don't want to give up, though as each day passes and this continues makes me question if nursing is the best thing for our family.

 Does anyone else feel this way?  Is it normal or is this something I should speak to my OB about?

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