Baby Showers

Vent: Shower Today

Oy! My MIL, SIL, and my Mom...who has largely been excluded... are hosting my shower today. I have stayed out of it. I'm frustrated though because everything I've heard in the past few days sounds like a train wreck, as MIL is NOT a partyplanner. Seriously, she made a big deal about having it at our church hall instead of an outdoor BBQ because it would be nicer, then calls last night to tell us, "I only have jeans to wear." And, also to ask, "So do I need tablecloths?" Not to mention invitations went out to the guest list, but then all the details were posted on not okay. There is so much more, but I'll stop there. Thanks for letting me vent!

I will show up, be gracious, and hope for the best, but I'm nervous...
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