Attachment Parenting

Premature weaning.... supply dropping... help!

Over the last week, my 13-month-old has gone from breast feeding 4-5 times in a 24 hour period to just once - and my supply is quickly dropping. She is refusing the breast, turning away and even getting upset when I offer (it almost seems like a tantrum or something, she sort of panics and arches away from me!). The only time in the last week that I've been able to get her to nurse is a in the middle of the night, when she's out of it (and likely hungrier) - but it's not enough to maintain my supply.

Nothing is different in my diet. I'm not pregnant. Nothing traumatic happened that I know of that she would relate to nursing... She's been working on her molars, but really that's nothing new because she's on her last 1-year molar and didn't have this issue with the other three.

I'm all about baby-led weaning, but this just seems too soon, and it doesn't feel right, given how sudden it is and how she's refusing the breast so adamantly. Plus she doesn't tolerate cows milk well at all, and isn't into any other milk substitutes, so I'm at a loss on how to replace the nutrition of the breast milk.... She hasn't been eating well so I don't know how I'm going to get her to eat all the nutrients she needs through solids alone.

 I breast fed my older daughter until she was two - and planned to do the same with my younger daughter... But at this rate I doubt I'll make it to 14 months! I don't own a breast pump and when I used one for my older daughter I was never able to get much for some reason. I've tried hand expressing but same issue.

Anyone else been through this? Should I just go with the flow - am I worried for no reason?

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