Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Bursting into tears when I'm alone...

Just a depressed vent, I guess...

I never cry in front of anyone; I try to make it through the day with people thinking that my insanely colicky baby is cute and I can handle it. But, the truth is, the second people leave my house, I burst into tears and have a nice big sob fest wondering if my baby will ever stop crying and if I truly CAN handle it. Myfiance doesn't even want to come home from work any more and "take care of that kid", as I've been informed by family members who work with him and other people he works with. We never sleep, I never shower, I barely have time to pee without him screaming bloody murder. I feel like my relationship is failing (we sleep in separate rooms because he doesn't want to hear/deal with our baby crying all night when he works the next day), so I am the one who ALWAYS deals with him and never sleeps. And I've also heard from people he works with that he is feeling more and more like he doesn't want to be with me any more. I feel like I'm at a breaking point and don't know how to ask anyone for help because I feel like this baby was brought into the world by MY choices and that other people shouldn't have to deal with such a hard baby. Just needed to get this out somewhere, really. No responses needed.  

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