Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Drowsy but awake...

Moms who have mastered putting your LO down drowsy but awake, did you see an improvement with your child's ability to self soothe during the MOTN?

My DS has been waking after every sleep cycle at night because he can't transition himself back to sleep without comfort. It's been going on for a long time now and I can't function.

I've read that putting your child down drowsy but awake helps them to develop self soothing skills that they use during the night. I'm not trying to have him STTN even but sleeping longer than an hour at a time would be nice.
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
BFP #1 6.19.11 ~ EDD 2.23.12 ~ CP on 6.22.11
BFP #2 7.23.11 ~ EDD 3.28.12 ~ MC on 8.16.11
BFP #3 11.17.11~ EDD 7.31.12 ~ MC on 1.18.12
BFP #4 4.12.12 ~ EDD 12.25.12~ Born on 12.26.12
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