Baby Showers

Tacky or not?

I know this board loves these kids of questions! :)

So my mom knits and crochets the most beautiful baby items- stuffed animals and monsters, dolls, shoes, clothes, hats, etc. etc. Every time I have a baby shower to attend, she makes a little something for me to include in my gift, usually a little pair of shoes or a monster. She has an Etsy shop where she sells her things, and has adorable little business cards advertising it. I always want her to attach a business card to whatever I'm giving to the person, but she thinks it's rude, and says I should just have some to hand out if anyone asks. People ALWAYS ask, because her stuff is darling. But the way I see it, if I were to go to the Farmer's Market or wherever and buy a handmade item and it had a tag attached saying who made it and where you could find it online, I'd leave it on if I were giving it as a gift, so that the person receiving the gift would know, and could see more items from that person if she wanted to. I really don't think that's strange at all! My mom is really shy and humble about the things she makes, so I think that's why she always tells me not to attach the card.

What do you think? 

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