3rd Trimester

JAJAJA...Oh wait...seriously?!?!

I laughed when my OB told me that I am 4 cm dilated...until I realized she was serious!

Yesterday I had my post 40 week internal to see where things were.  I cannot believe that I am walking around at a 4!!  It really is funny.

I am having lots of BH but no real contractions.  I just want this kid to make an appearance!  Although my doc said she would likely just have to break my water to start things up, I do not want to be induced at the hospital.

SO...question for all you mama's...

Any recommendations for helping me to induce labor naturally??  

I am still having sex, bouncing on my ball, staying active running errands and such, got a pedicure today, and my hubby rubs on my feet at night...anything I should add??

 HEEEELP!!!  Wink

~also posted to Natural Birth board

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