Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Do you put LO down when he's drowsy or good and sleep

I'm curious to know how many of you ladies have a LO who will go to sleep by themselves so long as he or she is drowsy or already sleepy. Mine absolutely will not. On a couple of occasions I have put LO in his crib when I know he is sleepy and I have stuff to do. He will lie there, talk to himself, stare at the mobile...etc until he's tired of doing so and then he will cry. I will pick him up and within 5 or 6 minutes he is asleep and I put him down and he's good. 

DH did the same thing one night when he found himself getting drowsy with LO in his arms one night. So he put LO in his crib with the mobile and laid back down. LO stared at and talked to the mobile the entire time and when the mobile went off, he talked another 10 minutes or so. At that time, I got up, gave him a bottle and within 3 minutes he was sleeping in my arms. I put him down and he was good.  

All he wanted was to be put to sleep. I'm wondering if I will ever be able to put him down while drowsy. And will he grow out of it at some point...

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