Secondary IF

PGD for Fragile X

I'm almost 37 years old and I have 121 repeats of Fragile X ( Pre-mutation). I've been unsuccessfully trying to deal with this for 1 year & 1/2 ( every time I talk about it I feel like I just found out) . I found out a month before I got married and I'm very lucky to have a partner that loved me enough to decide to spend his life with a partner that may not be able to give him the family he so desperately wants. So not only do I feel my dreams are crushed but I know he will be as well. 

I had my test created through Genesis Genetic lab which cause a whole bunch of family drama ( the messenger was definitely shot ) and I did my first round of IVF in Dec 2012 ( 20 eggs 13 fertilized and 6 blasts) unfortunately only 2 were not affected. I got my period in Dec after the retrieval and I got it in early Jan then I didn't get it in Feb, so I began to think the Premature Ovarian Failure was starting so I freaked out and decided I would do another cycle. 

I just finished my cycle with only 16 eggs this time, they lowered my meds cause my estrogen level was 5,107 at the end of my last cycle.

I'm dishearten by the lack of scientific data regarding PGD working for Fragile X. When I read NYU's (where I'm going) write up of their study on Fragile X they only had 18 couples in 2010, 3 couples that had success ( they didn't disclose what conditions they were testing for). I was so emotional about it when I spoke to the Dr. I just listened to what they can do but when I read what they have  done, its not as promising. I know the study was 3 years old but I just wish I had more to go on.

We are paying for this out of pocket, our insurance doesn't cover it so it's been very stressful. 

I was hoping someone could let me know what their personal experience is relating to PGD/Fragile X and give me hope.

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