Babies: 0 - 3 Months

jumpy/crying one month old

my daughter is a month old, and it seems like shes scared of her own movements. the only time shes REALLY peaceful is if shes swaddled, but im scared that by swaddling her as much as we do (whenever she sleeps, and sometimes while shes awake if shes really fussy) we're going to set her back a little bit. with that being said, im having a hard time keeping her happy. for the most part, she either wants to be held, wants to be fed, or is asleep. she never wants to be by herself, and it makes it really hard to get anything done at home, especially since we have a 17 month old as well. any suggestions on what we could do to help her learn to be more independent, and less jumpy?? im just nervous because eventually i have to go back to work.
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