Special Needs

Twitching in sleep?

Hi everyone! It's been a while since I've posted, but I posted about concerns with my almost 2 year old DS being on the spectrum. Since then we have cut out gluten and he's always been dairy free, we also switched from soy to coconut milk per his homeopathic pedi, and he has shown huge improvements in just 2 or so weeks. Friends who had never heard him laugh before have actually heard it now. I was able to entertain him in the grocery store for 30 minutes last week by just TALKING to him. He has also started saying ma ma again, after a very long 7 months of silence. That and "go go go" are the only things he's saying, but it's huge. 

 Onto my question! :) over the weekend I'm pretty sure he had a seizure. We were out to breakfast, and his hands turned purple, and started shaking. He leaned into his plate with a bite on his fork, and just froze, for probably about a minute. He didn't respond to me (obviously not uncommon for him) but he had a look in his eyes like he was distressed, and physically could not move. I called the pedi, and she said to watch him, and bring him back in in 2-3 weeks for his 2 year check up and we'll see how he's doing then. She also told me to watch him in his sleep for seizures, which she said can be hard to spot. My question is, is twitching in your sleep normal? I have started taking videos to show the pedi. It's his hands/fingers, arms, shoulders, legs and feet. I have also seen his head twitch, but maybe only once since I've been watching him. It's pretty heavy twitching right after he's fallen asleep, but it continues throughout. Not sure what's happening all night long of course, because I'm sleeping as well :) this is mostly just what I've seen during naps.  

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