Special Needs

safety concerns related to SPD

DD1 currently has a dx of SPD and will be seen by developmental peds and EI in June for suspected ASD, likely Asperger's. She is currently in weekly OT for the SPD issues and in ST for related oral aversions and dysphagia.

 Lately, we have had a lot of issues with safety concerns. Her OT eval touched on her lack of safety awareness, body in space issues,etc. She does not fear situations appropriately and is an extremely skilled climber, and can escape anything. We have all of the standard precautions in place (locked gates for the yard, high latches on doors,etc) She still manages to escape when given any opportunity. To add to my fears/concerns, my DH is legally blind (has low vision but no peripheral). Going out with three kids, one who tries to dart away, and a husband who doesn't always see cars backing up etc, is extremely stressful for me.

This week she reached for a skillet on the stove top and showed no response to the heat. We also have concerns with how rough she is with the babies. She knows gentle hands and can replicate it, but does not get that chunking toys at them, twisting arms, pulling legs, and poking eyes hurts them. When they cry, and we explain it she will repeat it minutes later.

She does not seem to understand these safety awareness concepts despite being explained numerous times, being shown ok behaviors etc. She is otherwise bright and learns by observing quite easily. She does not seem to be rough with the babies purposefully, more so that she does not understand how to interact appropriately and does not understand when they are upset, what she did to contribute, or how to read them etc.

I brought this up with her OT who will be working with proprioception issues, following directions, making choices,sticking to the task at hand,etc. In the meantime, what would you be working on at home (we are get tasks to work on each week i.e. staying with an activity for a specified amount of time) How can I assure her safety and the safety of the babies? We have tossed around the idea of a therapy dog considering her dx. Maybe a dog to keep her grounded when she attempts to escape, and especially when going in public would help? Any thoughts would be great here.

ETA: removed accidental c&p repeat. 

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