3rd Trimester

NBR: Rant

Next week is DH's birthday. One of his family members contacted me today about wanting to throw him a surprise party. Immediately, I knew this probably wasn't a great idea, because DH is an executive chef and entering high season--meaning he is working 70+ hour weeks and day to day I have no idea when he'll be coming home.

I told the guy that I didn't want him to go to the trouble of party planning, because it's highly likely DH wouldn't make it to his own birthday party. Then, he starts saying "well, maybe if he gets off early, we could still do something..."

I ask what he had in mind, and he said a potluck at MY HOUSE. Trust me, there would be not potluck--these relatives are all males in their 20s who live at home and have no idea how to make toast. He starts telling me who I can invite, whay dates I should look into, etc. Note: this is a text converstation.

So basically, he just asked a 7+ months pregnant woman to host his party (invites, cooking, cleaning)? He's so socially awkward though I don't even know how to respond. I just told him I'd look at the calendar and see what's possible. (Hint: nothing is possible).

Am I overreacting?

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