New Jersey Babies

Looking for opinions about OBGYNs/Hospitals in Hackensack Area

Hello! I will soon be moving to S. Hackensack at about 23 weeks at what is looking to be an uncomplicated normal delivery. Since I will be new to the area, and this is my first baby, I am looking for experiences and opinions of other mothers in Bergen County regarding recommendations of OBGYNs and hospitals. Looking at my insurance, Hackensack University Hospital comes up quite a bit, but I have many options.

Looking at Hackensack Univ Hospital and others, I'm wondering - who is family centered? Do they have a baby friendly unit (breastfeeding support)? Can you walk during labor - is there flexibility? Would you recommend the offering of classes through the hospital? What is the "flavor" of the units?

Any responses to any of this would be great! Thanks! 

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