Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Crazy fear that my baby is growing too fast!

On the one hand, I'm scared. On the other hand, I feel crazy for being scared. I'm so thankful that my baby is healthy. Her doctor has no concerns. But she is big and growing so fast! I don't know how I'm going to carry her! I'm not exactly in great shape, and I have a history of lower back issues. My back is often stiff and aching by the end of the day, along with the rest of my body. I'm worried I might seriously hurt my back and be unable to care for her properly.

Last week, at 8 weeks, I took her to the doctor. She weighed 13 lbs 10 oz. I had to take her again yesterday 8 days later and she was 14 lbs 3 oz. It's already tough for me to carry her around. Poor thing suffers with acid reflux, and when she's having a painful episode, she wants to be carried and bounced and swayed. I bought a K'Tan, which so far she hates, cries when I try to put her in it, but it's too hot for us anyway. And I got an ERGObaby Sport (I like the material a lot better than the K'Tan), but she's too big for the infant insert and doesn't have the head stability yet to be carried in it without the insert. I'm looking forward to when she develops better head stability, and hopefully I can get her to like being in the ERGObaby. In the mean time, she is growing by the day, and it scares me! I hope I can be strong enough to keep up with her because I don't think there's anything else I can do to make this easier on both of us.

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