Special Needs

Help convince me I did the right thing.

...Or tell me i did the wrong thing so i can change before its too late. On a whim I cancelled one of my daughters therapies for the summer. 

My daughter has attended a speech/social/play group since January. It's run by a former special Ed teacher/slp with 30 years of experience. They work on floor time, speech, social skills. My daughter has made some tremendous gains since starting-she has an interest in other kids and will engage in parallel play/mimic what they do/ take their toys(though still really enjoys independent play), has play skills that are advanced for her age, will attend to both preferred and non preferred activities for longer periods, and displays joint attention/social reprocity. I've stuck with this group since she's made such great gains and the instructor is so qualified...but my dd dislikes the instructor. She gets nothing in the form of speech from her since she just won't engage with her. She ignores her when she says her name and gives her downright dirty looks-she doesn't act like this at all with any of the other therapists either in group or one on one interactions. 

It came up in conversation with my service coordinator yesterday not as a complaint about her but kind of a matter of fact way. She convinced me to take the summer off from it and see what happens in September. Unfortunately another group like this with a different instructor is not an option. I'm definitely second guessing.

wwyd if you were in my shoes?  

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