Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

How do you deal with hitting during a fit?

I know this has been addressed in the past but I am awful at finding them... DS is 17 months and has been throwing fits for a couple months now (diaper changes, not being able to have remote etc) I just walk away and ignore until I notice his cry changes to sad instead of mad or until it stops. But now he has started hitting me in the face if I have him when his fit starts (and once the dog). I have read conflicting things to do. If I am upstairs I put him on "timeout" in his crib, downstairs, on our mudroom rug... I also grab his hand as he tries to hit and say firmly "we do not hit"... give 1 chance and then time out. But I am also reading on line they are still to young for time outs. I let him sit alone until his cry/tone changes and then go comfort him and his hitting and mood has stopped... but most of the time he sits there briefly and then goes to play happily. I don't do the "timeouts" for the fits, just for hitting. Thoughts??
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