Special Needs

considering divorce

So this may sound crazy, and I'm only half serious, but DH and I are thinking about technically "divorcing" because of financial reasons.  DD has special needs but we don't qualify for a lot of services because of our dual income.  DH's job is almost 100% commission so he has good years and not so good years.  We budget accordingly.  I work part-time for benefits.  We have hit our out of pocket max the last 2 years.  When we have tried applied for respite care, TEFRA or medical assistance, we've been denied because of our income level.  It's very frustrating!  I get that the money is there for families who truly have the need, but I'm afraid that we will have to go broke before getting assistance.

I know we won't actually go through with this, but I'm wondering if anyone else has ever considered this.  Am I the only one who wonders how I'm going to pay for all her equipment and therapy??? 

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