3rd Trimester

Wish I had known, May mommy

I just wanted to post a psa for third tri ladies.  I ended up having to have a c section due to complications in labor.  Firstly, my epidural did not work ( which I knew could happen).  I did not know that if the catheter is placed wrong that one of the symptoms is panic, feeling lie you are in a tunnel, and a racing heart.

 Secondly, I had to have a spinal block for the c/s because of the non-working epidural.  I wish I had know that if the numbing sensation goes up far enough, you will feel like you can't breathe.  I wish I had known this because to me, I was dying and I couldn't breathe.  In reality I was fine but I really didn't feel like it.  I think if I had known that that could happen, it would have been a lot less scary.  

I don't post this to scare anyone but I think my experience would've been better had I known these things so I hope it helps someone else!   

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