Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Baby personalities

as our LO's grow, anyone seeing any aspects of LO's personality that are unique and not just them being a baby?


for her...

  • LO is pretty independent.  She truly only wants to be held or close to me in the few instances she's overwhelmed (like at the gym when I help with the daycare or if we go somewhere with lots of people) but at home, she's pretty content to be left alone.  She likes to talk to her "friends" and attempts different skills over and over, and only starts fussing when she's tired or hungry-I don't think she gets bored, since one time we laid on the bed and she stared at my fan for 30 freaking minutes. and talked to it.
  • I think she's going to be talkative, because she makes the best sounds, and is constantly babbling, making difference expressions with her mouth and eyes, and playing with the volume of her voice. 
  • She seems pretty happy. She's been giggling and laughing since around 5 weeks, and that's her norm now. She giggles all day, at everything and anyone.
  • She's very goes with the territory of her other personality traits but geesh that girl is LOUD.  I heard one baby fussing (and he wasn't tiny) and it was very sweet, and baby like...if she decides she's hungry (believe me, it's a decision on her part. she'll wake up after 10 hours of not eating, and ignore the bottle for 20 minutes, until mid play she realizes HOW STARVING SHE IS), oh's not sweet or baby like. She is yelling at you.


what about you guys...any personality like traits you see that seem very unique?

BabyFetus Ticker Little Riley-our first little girl coming March 1st, 2013 (or sometime around there;)
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