Babies: 0 - 3 Months

10 weeks and no crib yet

Since Tucker has come home, he has slept in a rock and play sleeper at night  But during the day either in the sleeper or now in his swing, which he sleeps great in both and will sleep for an hour+. I have tried multiple  times to get him to sleep in his crib (shut the curtains, white noise, etc) and nothing seems to work the longest he has lasted is about 45mins and that was only twice. I am totally good with him sleeping in our room at night but at the same time he wont sleep in his pack and play in our room either only the sleeper. Is it sleeping flat on his back the problem?

 I am trying to get a routine going that both he and I can adjust but I believe that sleeping in his crib is apart of that. Am I over thinking it or should he be sleeping in his room in his crib everynight/day, do I have time to make the change to his crib? Any advice would be helpfull

BabyFetus Ticker
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