Minneapolis/St Paul Babies

natural-birth-friendly hospitals

I'm moving to the area soon, and I'm trying to decide where to go for a natural birth, with possible option for a water birth (or at least access to a tub). 

I've heard St. Joseph's has a low c-section rate, as does HCMC's midwife-led unit.  I think they both offer water births, although I'm not sure how many they can accommodate at a time.  Does anyone have experience with either of these? UMinn Medical center is probably closest to me, and also seems to have birth pools, so I'd be interested to hear of anyone's experiences with them, too.

Any other suggestions for places to look if I want to avoid the whole epidural thing, and use hypnobirthing without the staff thinking I'm a nut case? =)

I think my insurance *might* cover the Minnesota Birth Center, which is across from Abbott Northwestern...not sure if I want to be outside a hospital, but maybe I should give them a look, too? I'd love to hear opinions from anyone who has had a natural birth and enjoyed their experience.  Thanks in advance.

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