3rd Trimester

Frustrated, exhausted and miserable!!

Sorry for the vent but I'm just wondering if anybody else has experienced something similar to me and how long it finally took for baby to arrive.

So I started feeling early contractions (I know they're not braxton hicks because I'm a STM and been through this before) Monday morning. By Monday night they were coming very regularly (4-5 minutes) and pretty strong, I was so close to going to the hospital when they suddenly slowed down and died away. All day yesterday I experienced irregular contractions on and off and then through the night, very similar to Monday night, they started to get strong and regular again only to die away once more early morning.

This morning I had my regular appointment with my OB and found out I'm 3-4 cm dilated and 75% effaced and I've been having irregular contractions ever since (some strong, some weak, not timed evenly). My OB doesn't want to get my hopes up and warned me that real labour isn't necessarily imminent...I could still be pregnant a week from now (great, exactly what I wanted to hear). I'm so scared of the same thing happening tonight and losing a 3rd night of sleep in a row for nothing!

 Oh yeah, and on top of everything, I caught a cold just before this all began from my 3-year-old daughter so I'm feeling pretty miserable. 

Anyone experience anything similar? I so want to get this over with but I don't want to get my hopes up : (


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