3rd Trimester

Contractions...not dialated

So just venting b/c we are all pregnant and we can :)


woke up with contractions at 12a this morning...started tracking them and they were 4 min apart for over an hour...went to labor and delivery and they checked and I'm not dialated at all (37wks)....sent me home and now I get the joy of dealing with these until either they go away or my appointmentfriday to see if my doc will go ahead and do my Scecina early...and these aren't the typical annoying Braxton hicks....these things take my breath away and I have to breath through them....and to top it off I am now bleeding b/c the nurse was pushing so hard to see if she could get a finger tip through my cervix.....ok done venting,,,,has anyone else experienced anything like this or similar...would love to know I'm not alone!!!!!!! 

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