Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Cool Baby Contraptions

Yup, you know those contraptions you swore you'd never buy, because women have been successful at raising children for generations without the use of such stuff?  Let's hear all about yours!

Yesterday, our local variety tv show did a feature on baby products, one of them being the Cuisinart Baby blender that steams and pureees in the same container, and then you can just toss all the dirty components in the dishwasher.  It has a defrost feature so you can warm-up frozen baby food in it, and it also has a built-in bottle warmer.  I did some research on Amazon and this thing has phenomenal reviews, so I ordered one late last night.  So although it's not arrived yet, I'm still excited to begin using it once DD is ready for solid foods.

We also bought DD the Momaroo electric swing/rocker two weeks ago after I saw it featured on Ellen Degeneres' show (maybe this is a sign that I'm watching too much daytime TV...).  I'm currently watching her drift off for a morning nap, which probably wouldn't be happening otherwise.  It's almost as effective as taking DD on a car ride, without the need for the car.  We bought ours new because I had concerns about build quality based on a handful of online reviews, but I've seen people selling them secondhand on sites like Kijiji and CL for anyone wanting a deal.


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