3rd Trimester

what to do?

im erica im 25 years old i will be 34 weeks pregnant with my first child(a girl) as of friday. just looking for opinions here. the past 4 days my back has been constantly aching, seems there is no relief at all anymore for this. ive been getting more and more braxton hicks which are becoming kind of painful and not with every braxton hick but some of them i get shooting pains in my back and lower abs and belly button. my boobs ache horribly and have been leaking since 16 weeks but are really leaking bad now. i think i MAY be losing parts of my mucus plug for the past weekish only when i wipe ive been noticing cloudy snot like stuff on the tp no brown or pink though. my little girl seems to be moving alot more which sometimes its hard to tell if shes pushing on my belly or if its a contraction. shes head down. my legs feel like jello and im CONSTANTLY winded. i was nesting really bad the past 2 weeks but have seemed to not be able to do much anymore because of a sudden lack of energy and motivation due to aches and soreness. ive been having more and more bowel movements although they have been solid. peeing ALOT more. I dont really feel uncomfortable at all from the big belly or anything like that its from the aches that im pretty much at the end of my rope. seems like i cant get even the most simple task like taking a shower without my body giving up on me and having to sit. my last appointment i went to my doctor was just feeling if she was head down and i had 2 contractions during that time and she asked how many i normally get i said depends some days 3 or so an hour other days 5 or 6 an hour. she of course said she cant TELL me for SURE but cross my fingers i make it to 35 weeks. im just looking for opinions from already moms. did you feel this way before the big day? how far after the start of feeling like this was the big day? i know every pregnancy is very very different and i realize asking my doctor is the best route to take. I will in the morning if i can get sleep. just curious cuz these are the things you dont hear about at all. everyone tells you "oh yeah your going to be unbearably uncomfortable" but ive never heard about being this sore constantly...
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