Third-Party Reproduction

A intro and news...

 Hello ladies,

My name is Lacy and I had been quite active on the IF board for about a little over a year and a few months ago moved over to IVF. Ive always lurked on this board and introed a while back hoping to learn alot from you ladies which I can say I have and think you all are amazing and have such positive things to encourage everyone on this board! Recently took a little break after third failed IVF due to poor response and have officially moved on to DE. heres my story sorry if its long.



So its been about a month since my third failed IVF and ive had time to cry and be pissed and have about every emotion in the book. As well as developed a ulcer and went to ER. not fun! if anyone knows about ulcers is...they really really HURT! I did not know that. But im recovering and on medicine for it now so theres nothing like a medical induced bland diet to lose a couple of LBS! lol

Im getting back to working out again after a month off and feel much better.

Had a appointment with my RE today since last time I saw him I was cancelled. So I guess this was a WTF appt. but we knew going into this that we would start discussing the Donor options. they called me last week and said if I could come in a half hour early so they could spend more time than 30 min with us. They wanted a hour. I thought that was strange but went with it and we went in at 2 o clock today.

Well it goes like this and sorry if its long but its a lot of info.....

So the RE asks are you feeling about everything...

I say, well im very disappointed and ready to move on officially to donor.Ive had lots of time to think about it over the course of 3 failed ivfs and I hope were on the same page as to where to go next.

He says ok... I have a little story for you.... We have a woman here who has gone thru 2 ivfswith us and has 3 kids... she has donated some of her left over embryos to a couple and they are currently PG with twins. The donor herself had one girl with her first ivf and twin boys with her second. She is willing to do a donor cycle and we think she is a perfect match for you because you have a ton of similar traits. Personality and looks wise. The kicker is she has a east coast family that are going to use her and they are willing to do a split shared donor cycle with you and your DH. The only reason we would consider offering this is because she produces amazing and large quanity eggs. Her last ivf she produced 25 eggs and 17 of those made it to day 5 high quality Blast. plus it would really cut down the costs because us and the east coast family share the cost right down the middle!!

OMG im freaking out.. not to mention I will get to see her picture tomorrow and I already saw a pic of her three kids and they are adorable!!!! We both do have a lot of similar traits. She went to a well known local college here and got her BS but decided to be a hairdresser. That's crazy because im a hairdresser too!!! we are the same size shape and height. both have brown eyes and blonde hair. Oh did I mention she starts meds JULY 2nd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG times 2!

so.... now I need to get the financial taken care of. Im nervous and hope to god it works out because this is just so sudden and I thought I would be waiting forever and it would not be this fast!!! Im scared.. nervous...freaked....and so excited and feel really good about this.

Now I know this was a lot to process and my mind is still reeling and man I have a lot of questions and I don't even know where to start! ok... going to go now and  I welcome and comments and advice if anyone had any! Thanks for hanging in there and reading all of this!

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