3rd Trimester

RP: Do you plan to share night time feedings?

Just wondering what others are planning to do....

This is our third and after about a month with our first baby, DH and I decided to share nighttime feedings and do "shifts". I would do anything before 3 am and be did afterwards. It really worked for us because it enabled both of us to get some solid stretches of sleep. I pumped enough from the beginning for 2 bottles a day to be out into the fridge and DH could use that.

I works for us because DH works from home, besides the odd time he has to go on work trips for a few days and I didn't have a problem with supply issues. We plan to do it again because DH thinks it truly affected his relationship with our kids. He has bonded wonderfully with them and has always been as confident as I have calming them, feeding, just parenting in general. I also found it very helpful as I have anxiety and depression that gets horrible when I don't get some sleep at least and this helped us avoid the problems with that.

I realize his work schedule enables us to make this work but I really think its been wonderful for all of us. I know some people don't want a bottle near their baby and BFing exclusively is extremely important to them. I totally respect that. It just seems I've got a lot of friends who are shocked by this arrangement as their DH wasn't really any help with night duties. Anyways, I suppose you do what works for you, but we just felt this to be a really great balance for us. Wondering if anyone else plans to do something like this, or do you plan to take care of all of the night time responsibilities?

Thanks for sharing!
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