Blended Families

Happy post

I know that most of the posts on here are vents or asking for advice, including mine, but we actually have a happy story so I figured I would share. My DH's family takes a trip to the Caribbean every few years and SS has never been able to go because BM thought he was too young and wasn't comfortable with it. He has gone on other trips with he family, but never left the county. This year she finally said yes and has been incredibly accommodating in working with DH to get SS's passport. I know it has to be hard for her since it is his first time on a plane and his first time to an island. Plus, she has other kids, not by DH, that won't get to go. SS is beyond excited and we are excited to share this with him. It is nice that both of his parents could work together to make this happen for him. In all honesty, she has never really made it easy for DH to do anything for SS so I am somewhat surprised. She even tried to prevent SS from being at our wedding. The skeptic in me thinks she may still try to prevent him from going when the time comes but fingers cossed they won't.
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." ~ Lao Tzu
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