January 2014 Moms

Well, hi there. (intro)

Hi ladies!

I got my surprise BFP this weekend.  I have to be honest... I'm still in shock, but as the news is settling, I'm getting more and more excited.  We were on the fence about a 4th, and it looks like the question was just answered for us. :)  My EDD is January 30th.

Let's see... about me:

This is baby #4, pregnancy #5 (I had a loss between #2 and #3).  My son Carter will be 5 in July (and going to kindergarten this fall.... ahhhh). My daughter, Brynn, just turned 3 a few days ago and is the sweetest thing ever.  And then my baby, Reid Joseph, is 8 months old and such a big, happy, cuddle bug!

We found out what we were having with the first 2, but were on team green with Reid.  (I thought girl the whole time, so clearly my motherly instincts are terrible.) We will 100% be finding out with this one... I think this was surprise enough. :)

Here's a fun fact: my little sister (who I am extremely close too) and I were due just 4 days apart (with my last pregnancy.)  Well we ended up delivering on the same day. In the same hospital.  In the L&D rooms right next door to each other. Just an hour apart. She had a baby girl, Aubrey, and she is so darn sweet.  She is Reid's BFF and birthday twin (and older cousin. ahem. ;)

So there you have it.  I'm happy to be here with you! 

Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 image
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
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