Food & Nutrition

Eating for GD and getting enough calories

for mobile bumpies: Eating for GD and getting enough calories

After barely passing the 3 hour glucose test, my Dr. has recommended that I "closely follow" a GD diet as if I had failed, since I cut it so close.

I have structured my meals and snacks for the day to meet  the carb counts, but I end up coming in for the day at only 1300 calories. 

How exactly does one eat to watch the carbs, and still get enough calories?

 T0 give you an idea, today I had:

Breakfast - oatmeal with 1/2 cup blueberries

Snack - Orange and 1/2 cup cottage cheese

Lunch - Progresso Soup (Chicken Tuscany) , the can [lunches are difficult because I only have 30 minutes, so it's up to me to pack something...]

Snack - (will be) an apple with 1 oz almonds

Dinner - Pork tenderloin roast with spaghetti squash and leftover tabbouleh salad (made homemade, with almost all the oil omitted).

I was enjoying the food and snacks until I realized I am not getting enough calories. :(  Any suggestions, please and thank you? 

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