3rd Trimester

Low Platelets...Just a little nervous

I'm just wondering if anyone else is in a similar situation.  They noticed after my glucose test that my platelets looked low so they sent me to a hematologist.  I saw him last week and he didn't seem overly worried but then again a doctor never does :).  He told me to come back next week (this week, actually tomorrow) and he ran additional tests (not exactly sure what).  I had an OB appointment today and told her what he told me.  She said the main concern was that I am a little early to be having these issues (31 weeks today).  My number as of my last weeks hematologist appointment was 92.  I guess I'm just worried it could be something more serious.   I'm not so worried about the chance that I can't get an epidural as I am planning to go natural.  I guess I'm just worried .... thanks for listening!
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