Baby Showers

Facebook gems

I belong to a young mom's group on facebook and one of the girls just asked if it's rude to have a shower for your second kid,then went on to say she doesn't think so because every baby should be celebrated and she doesn't have any of her son's old baby things anymore and this baby is a girl so she doesn't have any girl stuff. After I awnsered saying yes,it's rude and if you want to celebrate your baby,have a meet and greet when baby is a little older, she and several other girls got all butthurt saying they are having a shower for every child they have and it's not tacky at all. Then I told them it's their responsibility to provide everything the child needs,not shower guests,they said "well if they feel obligated to bring a gift,that's their problem!" I tried explaining that a shower is to celebrate a woman becoming a mother and help get her started. Not to prvide for every child you have!

Oh an according to them,I'm mean to my kids because having a shower for one baby and not the other is telling the other that they aren't as important. And I'm a huge b*tch for giving my next kid hand me downs. Uhhh okay....

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