Third-Party Reproduction

New Here

Hi! I'm new to the board and wanted to introduce myself.

My FI has been diagnosed with azoospermia due to a childhood mumps infection. I have no known fertility issues, but due to other health problems, carrying a baby will be risky for me medically.

We've been referred to an RE and are planning on doing ICSI with PGD and using a GC, after our wedding this fall. We've also been in contact with a surrogacy attorney who will manage that part of the process for us she identifies GCs and also does the legal paperwork. We're really hoping that with ICSI we will be able to avoid DS, but are also trying to be prepared for that possibility.

We've just made these initial decisions, and it is taking some effort for me to wrap my mind around going to such lengths to have a baby but I'm feeling optimistic and hopeful because we finally have a plan. I'm also really grateful to even have these options available to us.

We have a long road ahead, but I'm looking forward as much as one actually can to sharing this journey with those of you on this board who are experiencing similar issues.
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