Third-Party Reproduction

New 3rd Party Repro Weekly Check-In!

Hi all,

Let's start a new 3rd party repro weekly check in since our friend JM1977 had to end the last one while she is busy growing a new baby boy while raising DD and working! :)

I'll take it on as I need some things to occupy myself and I like doing this kind of thing. If anyone else would like to help/rotate doing it let me know!

Cross-posting to IF, and IFV (I know I'm not a qualified/official poster on IFV but  I'm only posting b/c a lot of 3rd party people are :)).


3rd Party Repro Check-In

This check-in is for anyone considering, using or who have used a method of 3rd party reproduction including donor egg, donor sperm, both DE/DS, embryo adoption, gestational carriers or surrogates. It is also open to anyone who is a donor, GC or surrogate.

Please respond with this information and I will compile the check-in weekly. If you have a preference for day of week, let me know, otherwise it'll likely be Monday or Tuesdays. If you don't check in for 4 weeks in a row you'll be removed from the check-in history/list, but you can always re-join when you're ready!


1. Where are you in your process?

a) Considering DE, DS or DE/DS, or embryo adoption (specify if you know), a surrogate or GC

b) Waiting to cycle using DE, DS or DE/DS, or embryo adoption (specify), a surrogate or GC

c) Currently cycling using DE, DS or DE/DS, or embryo adoption (specify) a surrogate or GC - where are you at in your cycle right now? (Meds, 2WW, etc.?)

d) Currently pregnant with DE, DS or DE/DS or adopted embryo baby (specify), or your surrogate or GC is expecting - EDD? Boy or girl or Team Green?

e) Parenting a DE, DS or DE/DS, adopted embryo or surrogate/GC child (specify), - boy or girl? Age?

2. Check-in: How are you doing where you are at right now? Biggest challenges or things you'd like to share?

3. QOTW: Do you have a summer vacation planned? Where to and when? Tell us more!


Any other ideas or suggestions for the check-in are welcome! Just thought it'd be nice to have something regular again so hope it's ok I just jumped in here to do it!



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