3rd Trimester

birthing big baby

I had an ultrasound this week because baby wasn't cooperating last time. Turns out baby is huge...I am 29 weeks and he was 3 lb 10oz (av is 2.5lb). My OB who is definitely not c-section happy or anything told me that we are going to need to keep a close eye on it. She said that if he continues at this rate she might want to induce early. The rule here is they won't induce before 39 weeks, and if he is more than 10lb at that point consider a c-section. I know there is room for error on these but he has measured large all along. I know many people can be judgmental about this sort of situation so I am not looking for "your body is made for this doctors just want to cut!" comments. I am very happy with my OB and she is extremely supportive and not pushy at all. I know that many people vaginally deliver 10lb+ babies, but as my first I am not sure I want to. I've read that this can lead to complications like 4th degree tearing, permanent rectal incontinence...I am just not sure I want to put myself through that above a surgical incision. I don't know that the natural birth I was hoping for is worth damaging my body over.

I am wondering from any mamas who have been in this situation what you did and what the outcome was? Thanks!!
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