3rd Trimester

No I haven't had that baby yet mom

So I'm still two weeks away from my due date and my mother and MIL keep calling me like, "Soo....any news?"  When I tell them the obvious no (or, more often, sarcastically tell them that I had the baby and just didn't tell them), they're like "How are you feeling?  Are you having contractions?  Are you dilating?  What does your doctor say?  Do you feel like it'll be soon?"

Seriously.  How many times do I have to say it.  I'll.  Call.  You.  When.  I.  Have.  The.  Baby.  When I go into labor, even.  What do they think they're going to get lucky and catch me in the middle of labor and be the first to know because they happened to call?  

I called my mom a week ago asking for a recipe and she was all "AWWW YOU ARE SUCH A TEASE!!!" Apparently I'm teasing my mother just by calling her about anything besides being in labor.  Three weeks before my due date. 

If I go overdue I'm going to hide in a hole and talk to no one, I swear.  This is my second baby, too, so you think they'd have calmed down a bit by now.

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