3rd Trimester

very painful cramp @ night- what is it?

Woke up last night to a very painful cramp in my right side only. It was the entire right side of my belly. It was much more painful than any other BH I've had and only on the one side. It was so painful I thought I was in labor! I found myself unable to move but only to breath through it. It eventually went away, slowly. I don't know how long it lasted as I was asleep at first. I noticed baby was protruding out the right side a bit. Today everything including his or her movements is very normal but I'm wondering what that was last night. (nothing like that since)  A friend suggested that the baby turned but at my 35w appt doc said baby was already head down (and let me tell you, it feels like it cause there's a lot of pressure between my legs!) and was "unable to turn because it's too squished in there", so said my doc. Someone else suggested gas but that's not what it felt like.... do you think this was just one heck of a BH or something  else?
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