Toddlers: 24 Months+

Bumps/pimples all over face?

DS is almost 3. Right now, his face is covered in pimples. They arent red, but ar e just the color of his I say pimples, but really just a bunch of small bumps. They dont itch. And it looks better in the morning but gets worse throughout the day. My first reaction was just that it was due to the heat. We've had a few hot days here (hottest of the year so far), but nothing extreme by any means. Thought maybe he was sweating more. Who knows. We've been trying to wash his face more frequently but it doesnt seem to help. And today isnt nearly as warm at all, and there they are.

Possible a reaction to something? But he hasnt had anything new and its only on his face.

Ideas? Thoughts? Anyone see this before?

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