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Hysteroscopy Adhesion Removal...check!

Hi all, Yesterday was my surgery to remove the adhesion that formed as a result of my D&E back in March. My RE did the procedure and I was under general anesthesia. She came out after and said, "That was soooooo worth it!" which is what you want to hear in that moment. She brought photos too which showed the adhesion before, and an action shot of her removing it. Bonus (kinda) is that she found one area of residual pregnancy tissue in an important part of the uterus for future implantation and took care of that too. Yesterday I had some expected cramping and bleeding, but woke up to feeling pretty much normal and will just take Advil today. I am so relieved this is over with!!! With that, my calendar starts today but includes building/shedding a lining before the actual FET protocol kicks in. Right now, FET is scheduled for July 18th!!! I'm feeling hopeful again ??. Thanks for all your support!

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