Food Allergy

Avocado allergy?

Quick background: My DH has a couple food allergies, ranging from mild reactions to anaphylaxis depending on the food.  I've been nervous about food allergies in LO for this reason.

She is 7 months old.  I gave her avocado last night, and 4-5 hours later, she vomited all over the place.  It seemed like so much vomit.  She wasn't distressed by it, and was smiling and happy as soon as she was done.

I'm assuming this was an allergic reaction to the avocado (DH itches a little when he eats avocado).  Are there any other foods that are in the same "allergy family" that I should avoid that might cause a reaction as well?

She also just started teething, and I gave her Tylenol for the first time last night, so I don't know if that could have anything to do with it. 

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