Baby Showers

Guest list and hostess issues

Just got a list of guest and addresses from MIL so I can start addressing thank you cards, so all I have to do is write out the note after the shower.
I don't know HALF the women on the list. I realize that this is mainly DH side of the family but DH doesn't seem to know most of them either. And some women he "thinks" are his great aunt or second cousin or some other distant relative. And he knows one of them is MILs coworker, the only non family member at the jewelry store she works at, and one of them is an old high school friend of MILs.
My issue with this is that inviting all of these greats and seconds and other people MIL knows seems a little gift grabby to me.

My other problem is I don't really know besides MIL who is hosting. I've heard mention of several people that are helping with the shower. After finding out tonight that DHs aunt and cousin are making a cake and cup cakes I'm pretty sure the count is at 6, not to mention grandma, whose house it's at. And I have no CLUE if I'm expected to get each of them a hostess gift or what. I don't want to offend MIL by asking her out right about it. And if there's 6 of them what sort of gift am I supposed to get?

MIL mentioned Aunt and cousin tonight while she was over and was quickly shushed by grandma, so idk if she would tell me anything anyways.
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