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I've been over at IF and had my 4th ER yesterday. Original DX was MFI (DH has azoospermia from torsion) Just found out our big problem is  my eggs aren't metabolizing well. There is a mitochondria problem which is causing my smooth endoplasmic reticulum to aggregate. (yeah- kinda glad I teach middle science so I know what RE is talking about it. still don't understand it)  He says the clinic sees about 1 case per year and they do over 3,000 ICSIs a year, so the last place probably saw it, but didn't know what it was.  Literature is scarce on the condition, and mine is the most severe my RE has seen. He has successfully treated 2 prior patients but the protocol is very different. I'd have to go into a menopausal state and make no estrogen but be on all the other hormones in a long protocol. And he would only push for 3-4 follicles with 2-3 eggs. And we are using testicular sperm (the best testicular sperm they've ever seen, but still...) 

We don't know whether to try his protocol or look at donor eggs. We were able to have them agree to let us pay cash for this cycle at the accepted insurance rate so we would still have one covered cycle. We need to make that decision by tomorrow.

Unfortunately DH and I had such a hard time with donor sperm because neither one of us have brown eyes and we're both O blood type, so each place gave us like 5 possible donors. It's going to be even slimmer with donor eggs.  RE said we shouldn't look at blood type, but most people know something is up if two O's have a baby that is not O. No idea what to do. 

Any advice? Did you take blood type into consideration?


TTC Since 12/2008; me: 32, DH: 31 DH: Azoospermia
IVF w/ ICSI #1 2/2011
IVF w/ ICSI #2 5/2011
IVF w/ ICSI #3 planned for beginning of December
AF 11/22 Started Menopur & Follistim 11/23
Antagonist started 11/29
Trigger 12/3 ER 12/5
6 eggs retrieved, 4 mature, as of day 1- one fertilized normally
Miracle: by day 2, 2 normally developing embryos; ET 12/8 2 beautiful embryos put back with AH