Third-Party Reproduction

Learning something while in IF limbo...

I am SOOOO happy to see some much need BFP on this board! So anyways. I am finally feeling ready to charge forward and see what comes next in the IF world for me...

We are still in contact with our RE to see about shared cycles that may come about with donors that are currently cycling, and saving, saving and more saving. LOL.

Also we expanded our little family to include a new Fur Baby!


Her name is Jade and is just a complete love bug! But the most wonderful thing is how amazing my family, co-workers are being about our new addition....They are acting like this is the most amazing, wonderful, exciting news. lol. Which after getting a BFN and not sure about when we will have BFP news to share, they are treating me like I just shared BFP news, so it has helped to know that no matter where our journey leads us I have some amazing people who are happy to shower me with attention no matter how we are expanding our familyWink


2011-2012 Races
10/29/11 LA RockNRoll Min Half (5K) 42:58
12/4/11 Vegas RockNRoll Half 3:14:53
1/7/12 WDW Half 3:13:42
1/15/12 RnR AZ 2:55:27 (PR!!)
1/29/12 Tinkerbell 1/2 3:22:37 (To many picture stops!lol)
Me:32 DH:33
IFV w/ DE Only Option (On Hold For Now)
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