3rd Trimester

scared of c-section

Just scheduled a c-section today. Doctor is very concerned about the size of DS. Already weighing in at 8lbs (I know it can be an estimate either +- a 1lb) but the size of his head and belly are already measuring at 40 weeks.  He said he could let me try and do labor naturally but the risks are high for the baby becoming distressed or stuck which would result in c-section. I'm so scared. The thought of surgery freaks me out. Please tell me it's not that bad!
Married my BEST FRIEND on December 1, 2007. Started TTC in March 2008. Found out we were expecting our first child in October 2008 - but had a m/c in December 2008 - resulting in a d&e. Met with a RE in May 2009 and set a plan - but conceived unexpectedly on our own! Our precious little Sophia was born on February 9, 2010! Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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